Be You-tiful

How do you feel BeYoutiful? Do you take time for yourself? Do you surround yourself with people who lift you up?

As I am constantly faced with the everyday challenge of how to love myself completely the answer that keeps coming to my mind is be your true authentic self. When I am my true self I feel Be Youtiful. I know being a teenage girl, and even a teenage boy isn’t easy for all of us but what I do know to be true is that having a good circle of friends and family to guide me has created a confidence in me that keeps me motivated. I am constantly checking in with my internal compass to make sure I am being the best version of myself and walking down the right path. In a sometimes superficial world its easy to be lost in the Instagram selfies, the photoshopping apps and the online bullying of whats considered perfection or not.  I am here to remind myself and all of you, that honest to goodness beauty comes from within and I know that when I feel good on the inside the outside shows. Remember, that you are with it, you are enough, you are beautiful. If you can go to sleep at night and be pleased with the actions and words that you showed and said throughout the day, then you are indeed living a beautiful life.